New research by Andrea Carter Consulting describes how Connection is a key component of Belonging, a core human need.
I watched Andrea’s brilliant webinar with The Talent Company this morning and was pleased to see her org. psychological research identifies Connection as a key component of Belonging, one of our absolute core human needs. Not to mention an essential piece of workplace well-being, cultures people gravitate towards, and high performance outcomes.
She goes on to define and measure belonging in her own way, something all of us in the space use various tools to do. I often use the CIQ Trust Catalyst Tool to measure trust, a part of psychological safety required to feel a sense of belonging as well. The important takeaway for me, a lifelong student of connection (and a master’s of organizational psychology), is truly that it boils down to the feeling of being known by one another. I love that the research continues and that Andrea has taken the steps to drill down into what belonging really means, how to measure it, how to cultivate it.
That’s where Conversational Intelligence comes in. How we have conversations with each other determines how well we can actually come to know each other. This doesn’t mean having the same perspective – in fact, disagreements and constructive conflict are also key to belonging – but rather, understanding how someone else is looking at something, knowing their view so as to expand your own. Or, another way of thinking about this might be to say having a shared view of the problem or experience before you, not necessarily the same ideas for solutions.
The need to belong is a core human need that trumps many other. LifeprintOS system identifies nine highest driving needs we all have, in different ranking orders. Belonging is certainly one. It’s associated with the Transformer performance pattern – those change agents who transform naturally and easily but often do silly things to belong because the need is so strong. It’s a need that hangs together with mastery for this type. That’s actually me – I’m a transformer in the LifeprintOS system.
Taking all this together, it makes me think about understanding our common human needs, the ones that stand out first for each of us based on our Lifeprint performance pattern, and then using new conversational skills to improve our relationships so these needs are addressed, and aligned.
I belong to a group of people worldwide who believe in harmony at work and outside it, coming from high quality, genuine connection with self and others. There are many the world over who feel the calling to contribute in this way. To learn and share and grow connection for a healthier, happier world. Thank you for being here, and for being one of them. We need you. Let’s transform things together. We belong to each other.